

CAPTURED  cap*tured : English word which means "to succeed in preserving in lasting form" 

Captured is a photo blog wherein a random images at random places are posted; this blog aims to make every angle taken be admired the way life is acclaimed. 

"when you take pictures your perspective about the world and people change"


The author of this blog is a nursing student who is fond of taking 
 at random places and appreciates everything at its natural state.

"Photography for me is not looking, its feeling. If you can't feel what 
you're looking at, then you're never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures"

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CAPTURED  cap*tured : English word which means "to succeed in preserving in lasting form" 

Captured is a photo blog wherein a random images at random places are posted; this blog aims to make every angle taken be admired the way life is acclaimed. 

"when you take pictures your perspective about the world and people change"


The author of this blog is a nursing student who is fond of taking 
 at random places and appreciates everything at its natural state.

"Photography for me is not looking, its feeling. If you can't feel what 
you're looking at, then you're never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures"